Panosteitis in Dogs: Growing Pains

Panosteitis (growing pains) in puppies is a painful but self-limiting inflammatory bone disease that causes lameness in one or more legs.

Canine panosteitis, also called osteomyelitis, eosinophilic panosteitis, or Eo Pan, is a fairly common inflammatory bone disease in young dogs. It is similar to the syndrome of "growing pains" in human children.

Breeds, Gender, and Ages Most Commonly Affected by Panosteitis in Dogs

Signs and Presentation of Panosteitis in Dogs

Causes of Panosteitis in Dogs

Diagnosis of Panosteitis in Dogs

Treatment of Panosteitis in Dogs

Panosteitis is a self-limiting illness in dogs. This means that the dog will outgrow the disease without any treatment. However, because panosteitis is so exquisitely painful for dogs, it is important to manage that pain with one or a combination of the following medications:

Steroid and non-steroidal medications can be dangerous if used together.

Never give your dog any medications at home without talking with your veterinarian first. Some medications that are safe for humans are NOT safe for dogs.

Prevention of Panosteitis in Dogs

Panosteitis may have a genetic component, so not breeding dogs that are affected by it may reduce its presence in the dog population over time. However, the cause of panosteitis is not known with certainty, so there is no real way to prevent it.

Prognosis for Panosteitis in Dogs

The prognosis for canine panosteitis is excellent. The condition completely resolves on its own after puppyhood, with no lasting damage to the bones.


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