First-Time Dog Owner Mistakes to Avoid

Learn some mistakes first-time dog owners often make.

If you're getting a new dog for the first time, there are some things you'll want to avoid doing. They're straightforward once you know them, but it's easy to fall into their trap. Learn what they are, why you shouldn't do them, and what to do instead.

Not Giving Enough Consideration to Food

One of the most important decisions you'll make for your new dog is what type and how much food to give. Sometimes, people make this crucial decision based on cost, which isn't always the best thing to do. Also, people sometimes get a new type of food every time they need a new bag. That can cause problems in a dog's digestive tract, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.

The best way to choose your dog's diet is to talk to your veterinarian and take his or her advice.

Additionally, you should find out from the vet how much food your dog needs every day and use a measuring cup to make sure you're giving the right amount. Otherwise, you could be feeding too little or, more commonly, too much. Many people like to leave out food for their dog at all times, but that often leads to the dog becoming overweight later in life.

Not Following a Plan for Housetraining

Housetraining is a crucial step in developing a good house companion. If you are getting a puppy or a dog that isn't yet housetrained, you must have and follow a strict plan for training the dog. Not only that, but everyone in the home needs to know, understand, and follow the same plan, so the dog doesn't get confused and have their housetraining slowed down. Housetraining issues are one of the biggest causes of dogs going into shelters, so this is extremely important.

Here are the basics for housetraining a dog:

Not Getting the Dog Used to Basic Grooming

Your dog, regardless of breed, will need tooth-brushing and nail trimming done at home. Some dogs also need routine fur brushing and ear cleaning. Remember that whatever you want your dog to allow you to do when he's older, you will need to get him used to as a puppy. That means start playing with his lips, toes, and ears the day you get him, working up to trimming nails, cleaning ears, and brushing teeth.

In fact, getting your dog used to the handling of all parts of his body, riding in the car, going for walks, and interacting with lots of people and other pets are all ways to help stave off behavior problems in the future.

Avoid the above mistakes when you get a new dog, and you'll be well on the way to developing a close, lifelong relationship with your canine pal. But don't forget to have fun, keep a sense of humor, and enjoy the process.

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