Giving Your Dog Clean and Fresh Water


Being a dog lover, you don't mind your pooch's panting and salivating when your dog has been running around-or excited to see you, right? As that saliva evaporates, it helps cool your dog's body temperature down. But all the water dripping from his tongue has to be replaced. So how do you know how much water you should give your dog?

It actually depends on several factors. Here's what you need to know to keep your pooch well hydrated:

What Water Does for Your Dog

As in humans, water makes up most of your dog's body—about 60 percent for an adult dog. Water keeps your dog's organs healthy and, in particular, helps the kidneys flush out toxins from the blood. Water also promotes a healthy cardiovascular system, keeping essential electrolytes in balance. Some dogs, such as the northern sled dog, can actually go months without drinking real water; they consume snow and ice instead. But most dogs need a good amount of water every day. When dogs become dehydrated, they can die. Dehydration can occur in certain illnesses, such as kidney failure, bladder infections, vomiting and diarrhea. And in hot weather, a dog can die within hours if he doesn't drink.

How Much Water Does Your Dog Need?

Here are the various factors you may consider, but always consult with your veterinarian for advice:

Here are some ways to tell if your dog is drinking enough:

Bad Sources of Water

You know dogs. If your dog is thirsty, he'll find water one way or another. Here are some of the less tasteful selections your dog may choose if there isn't a better alternative:

Good Sources of Water

It's not difficult to supply your canine with good water. Here are some tips:

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