Scabies in Dogs

Scabies is highly contagious between dogs.

Scabies, or sarcoptic mange, in dogs is caused by microscopic mites that burrow into the skin. They cause intense itchiness and the condition is exceptionally contagious between dogs and to humans.

Signs of Scabies in Dogs

The main signs a dog exhibits when suffering from scabies include:

The mites that cause sarcoptic mange often like to hang out on skin that doesn't have fur, so many times, a dog with scabies shows the most itchiness and other skin signs in those spots. That includes elbows, ear flaps, and the abdomen. However, signs don't have to be limited to those areas of the body.

Cause of Sarcoptic Mange in Dogs

Scabies is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabei. These tiny parasites spread between dogs in close quarters really quickly. It might happen in kennels, grooming facilities, dog parks, and veterinary facilities, where direct contact between dogs is common.

Dogs can also be infected by scabies mites when they encounter them in the environment (such as when another dog with scabies has come through the area, and some mites have been left behind). However, mites don't live too long off their host, so this isn't as commonly the method of transmission as direct contact is.

Scabies mites live on the surface of a dog's skin. When a female is ready to lay eggs, she burrows into the skin and lays them in the tunnel she makes.

Diagnosis of Scabies in Dogs

Many other conditions can cause the signs seen when dogs have scabies, including food, inhalant, and flea allergies and other types of mites. Therefore, a veterinarian will need to examine the affected dog thoroughly and do some testing.

A skin scraping can reveal mites under the microscope, but it's not always possible to find them. That's because they're killed when the dog scratches at them. Therefore, it sometimes takes ruling out other conditions, noticing that other dogs and/or humans in the home are also extremely itchy, or treating for scabies because it is suspected and watching for resolution.

Treatment of Scabies in Dogs

There are several treatments for scabies in dogs.

These are only some of the effective treatments against scabies. More are being developed all the time. Your veterinarian is best suited to choose a treatment that is most likely to be safe and effective for your individual dog.

Many times, other medications are used during scabies treatment to help control the intense itch and treat any secondary infections going on due to skin damage from the scratching.

Scabies in Humans

Humans can contract scabies mites through direct contact with a dog that has them. Because people aren't the natural host for the mite, they don't thrive on humans, and the infection is self-limiting, meaning that it goes away on its own. However, if you suspect that you have scabies, visit your doctor right away and let him or her know your suspicion.

If a dog in your home is diagnosed with scabies, keep his bedding and any areas he hangs out on washed daily. Don't forget his harness or collar.

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