Can Dogs Have Avocado?

Are avocados OK for dogs?

Avocado is popular in today's American diet. And when you live with a dog, it's common to either share some of your food with him or sometimes drop some that he quickly scarfs up.

So, it's crucial to know which human foods should never be given to dogs because the cause toxicity.

The list of foods toxic to dogs includes grapes and raisins, chocolate, alcohol, and xylitol. But does it include avocados?

Can My Dog Eat Avocado?

Some lists of foods toxic to dogs include avocados. That's because it contains a substance called persin, which can act as a toxin in dogs, cats, lifestock, and birds. Most of an avocado's persin is in the skin and seed, but there is some in the flesh as well.

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, avocados are mildly toxic to dogs and cats and more toxic to birds and wildlife.

Still, if a do gets ahold of a whole avocado and eats it, the skin and pit can be choking hazards.

Additionally, avocado might not agree with some dogs, and can cause diarrhea and vomiting in certain individuals even without the persin causing the problem.

If your dog gets a small amount of dropped avocado flesh, it's unlikely that he'll suffer any big problems. However, we recommend you not make a habit of feeding avocado to your dog.

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