Can Dogs Have Popcorn?

Many people like sharing their food with their dogs. There are some considerations to doing so, however. One is that you might be inadvertently encouraging begging behavior. Another is that some human foods are toxic to dogs.
Before you decide whether or not to give your dog human food, be sure you are aware of which ones are dangerous. That list includes chocolate, grapes and raisins, onions and garlic, and anything containing the natural sweetener xylitol.
What About Popcorn for Dogs?
Popcorn is a treat many people like to indulge in during evening TV-watching, and dogs are often sitting at their owner's feet waiting to be tossed a kernel or two. The good news is that plain popcorn that's thoroughly popped so there isn't a dangerous, hard kernel that can choke a dog or get caught in his teeth, is okay to give most dogs.
However, if there is butter, cheese, or another calorie-laden topping on the popcorn, you should reconsider giving it to your dog because those extra calories can be detrimental, especially if he has them regularly. And be sure there are no toppings, like chocolate, that are toxic to dogs on the popcorn.
Butter and oil can cause GI irritation that might lead to upset stomach or diarrhea in dogs, so that's another reason to stick with plain, air-popped popcorn if you're going to share yours with your dog.
Finally, remember that popcorn has calories, so you should limit how much you give your dog, so he doesn't become overweight or avoid eating his regular food because he's full. That could lead to malnutrition problems if it happens routinely.
Still, when you use the above tips, popcorn is a safe human food for dogs.
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