Why Is My Dog Panting?

Learn the reasons dogs pant.

The grass is green, the sky is blue, and dogs pant. It seems like just one of those things that's normal. But it's good to understand dog panting, so you'll know when it's normal and when your dog may need to see the vet.

What Is Panting?

Panting is a type of fast, shallow breathing dogs do with their tongues out of their mouths.

Panting in Dogs Can Be Normal

Healthy dogs pant to regulate their body temperature, so if the weather is hot or the dog has exerted himself, panting is to be expected. It helps release heat from the body, cooled by mucus in the airways. It's a critical way for dogs to cool off since they don't have a lot of sweat glands: "Do Dogs Sweat?"

If your dog is otherwise healthy and pants after exertion or when it's hot, it's most likely normal.

Abnormal Causes of Panting in Dogs

Panting isn't always normal in dogs. Here are the signs your dog's panting isn't normal:

If any of those things are the case, there could be something wrong. Here are some of the things that cause abnormal panting in dogs:

If you suspect abnormal panting, make an appointment with your vet right away. In the case of heatstroke, it is an emergency, and your dog must be treated immediately.

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Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Information at DogHealth.com is exclusively of a general reference nature. Do not disregard veterinary advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site. Just Answer is an external service not affiliated with DogHealth.com.