How to Keep Your Dog Out of the Trash Can

Getting into the trash is something that many dogs are interested in doing. That's because they've learned there may be some tasty tidbits in there for them to enjoy.
The problem is that, when your dog gets into the garbage can, it can make a terrible mess. It's also incredibly dangerous for your dog, who may:
- Eat something toxic to her
- Choke
- Ingest something that could get stuck in her stomach or intestines
- Develop vomiting and diarrhea (or even life-threatening pancreatitis)
But how on Earth can you keep a determined canine scavenger out of the garbage?
Keep the Garbage Can Where Your Dog Can't Get It
If your dog has a habit of getting into the trash, especially when you aren't home, you may consider keeping it where he can't get to it. This will require a lifestyle change for everyone in your home, and it will need to become a habit.
Usually, keeping a trash can where your dog can't get to it means putting it in a room with a door that latches or in a cupboard your dog can't open.
Use a Trash Can That Your Dog Can't Open
This will take some knowledge of your dog's abilities, but in general, a trash can that your dog can't get into needs to have a lid that locks. Most of those have a pedal for you to get into the can. Then, either the cover needs to be secure enough not to open if the trash can is knocked over or the garbage needs to be kept in a spot where your dog can't push or pull it down. Many dog-owners like this one: Trash Can with Slide Lock.
Use a Child Lock on Your Current Garbage Can
One way for you to secure the trash can you already have is to use a child safety device that you can easily push to open but that our dog will be unable to release, like this one: Safety Strap Locks.
It may take you a few days to get into the habit of keeping the can lid locked or the can itself behind a closed door at all times, but once you do, it should make life with your dog easier and safer.
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