First Aid for Heat Burns in Dogs

Being burned is traumatic and painful. Here, find out the first aid you can render to your dog if she ever receives a heat burn.
How Do Dogs Receive Burns?
Dogs may be burned by getting too close to a flame such as an open fireplace, campfire, or candle. In fact, pets actually start many house fires yearly. You can learn more here: "Fire Safety for Dogs." A dog may also be burned by being caught in a house fire or knocking hot liquids onto herself.
First Aid for Heat Burns in Dogs
Severe burns can result in a dog going into shock. First, look for signs of shock in your burned dog by checking for an increased heart rate, evaluating mucous membrane color and refill time, and assessing mental state. You can learn more here: "Baseline Vital Signs in Dogs and How to Measure Them."
If your dog shows signs of shock, wrap her in a blanket, and get her to a veterinarian immediately.
You may need to place a muzzle on your dog before you begin cooling the burn. Burns are painful, and even the gentlest dog may bite when she has been burned.
Cool water should be applied to a burn as soon as possible, for 5-10 minutes. You can immerse the dog in a cool bath unless the burn is extensive, over more than 25% of her body or involving multiple body parts. If the burn involves most of the body, immersing the dog may induce shock.
You can run cool water directly over a burned area or place cool compresses on multiple areas.
Don't put any ointment on the burns, and don't rub them.
Get your burned dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible for further evaluation and treatment.
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