First Aid Kit Essentials for Dogs

Emergencies can happen, even with your dog. Being prepared will help keep you calm and make a positive outcome more likely.
You can read an overview of basic conditions requiring first aid in dogs, with links to specifics for each condition, here: "First Aid for Dogs: An Overview."
Basics in a Well-Stocked Canine First Aid Kit
Here are the basics that we consider to be essential for a well-stocked first aid kit for dogs:
- Dog nail clippers
- Styptic powder
- Bandage scissors
- Tweezers or hemostats
- Disposable gloves
- Dosing syringe for flushing wounds
- Stethoscope
- Muzzle, sized for your dog
- Elizabethan collar, sized for your dog
- Petroleum jelly
- Antiseptic hand wipes
- Sterile gauze
- Q-tips
- Roll gauze
- Sterile non-stick wound pads
- Self-adhering bandage wrap
- Bandage tape
- Small bottle of Betadine®
- Sterile eye wash
- Leash, preferably a simple slip leash
- Towel or blanket
- Pet clippers
- Tick removal tool
You may also wish to start with a prepared first aid kit, and then add to it.
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