How to Make a Homemade Muzzle for Your Dog

If your dog gets hurt, you may need to make a homemade muzzle so you can evaluate, render first aid, and transport him for veterinary help. A dog that is hurt may react by biting, even if you are well-known to him and he would never ordinarily bite you.
Having a muzzle ready in your well-stocked first aid kit is the best idea, but if you don't have one or are caught somewhere without it, you may be able to fashion a homemade muzzle.
Making a Homemade Dog Muzzle
First, find a piece of material that is about 18 inches long. This could be roll gauze, a tie, soft rope, a long sock, or a piece of cloth.
Note: Do not use a muzzle if the dog is choking, having trouble breathing, has a mouth injury, or is vomiting or coughing. Flat-faced dogs may not be able to be muzzled. You should also take even more care with these dogs not to impede their breathing with a muzzle.
- Make a knot in the center of the material. This helps anchor the muzzle.
- Make a loop with the material by crossing the ends. The cross should be opposite the knot you made. Be sure the loop is large enough to drop down and pass over the dog's muzzle.
- Slip the loop over the dog's muzzle from behind and above him, keeping as much distance as possible between your hands and the dog's mouth. Be ready to move away if the dog tries to snap at you.
- Tighten the loop down to the top of the dog's muzzle, near the center. It should be snug, but not tight. Don't tighten it so much that it will dig into the dog's skin or interfere with his breathing.
- Pass the ends of the fabric below the dog's chin, crossing them in the middle, and then bring an end up behind each ear.
- Tie the ends in a bow behind the dog's ears.
Remember, a muzzle is not a guarantee that a dog can't bite you. Continue to be careful while you work with a muzzled dog.
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